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  • Comfrey Leaf - Healthy Herbs
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Healthy Herbs

Comfrey Leaf

Regular price $35.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $35.00 AUD
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Contains 100 capsules.

Origin; Bulgaria.

Certified organic supplied.


  • Vulnerary; the healing of wounds.
  • Demulcent; relieving inflammation or irritation.
  • Astringent; a substance causes the skin or tissue to tighten and reduces oil on the skin.
  • Expectorant; promotes the secretion of sputum by the air passages.
  • Anti-inflammatory; Anti-inflammatory substances use to block inflammation.
  • Anti-rheumatic; alleviating or preventing rheumatism.
  • Emollient; Makes skin softer and reduces pain.
  • Tonic; aids in restoring health with the feeling of imparting vitality and energy.
  • Styptic; capable of causing bleeding to stop when it is applied to a wound.
  • Antioxidant,  Antioxidants scavenge free radicals from the body cells and prevent or reduce the damage caused by oxidation.
  • Historical review; Comfrey has been traditionally used for thousands of years and was one of the most widely used herbs of the last two centuries. Herbal texts from 2000 years ago prescribe comfrey used externally as a poultice, a wash and ointment has been used to heal wounds, broken bones, bruising, boils, sciatica, muscular pain, strained tendons, rheumatism, gout, insect bites gangrene and dermatological conditions.
  • Internally Comfrey has traditionally been used to treat indigestion, stomach and bowel complaints, diarrhoea, gastro-intestinal ulcers, hernia, hiatus hernia, haemorrhaging, bleeding gums, gingivitis, lung conditions, glandular fever, coughs, sinusitis, cancer, lupus, blood purifier, lowering blood pressure, relieve inflammation of the joints and mucus membranes.
  • Comfrey contains an element called allantoin which is also produced in the allantoin gland of the umbilical cord which feeds the embryo for promoting rapid cell growth. Allantoin is found to also be rich in a mothers and mammals milk to produce rapid growth in new born babies.
  • Comfrey contains chlorophyll which helps rejuvenate old cells and the growth of new cells with a molecular structure closely resembling our blood.
  • Comfrey has not been approved by the FDA and the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia in 1984 for internal use.
  • Comfrey should not be used by patients with liver disease or damage.
  • Comfrey should not be consumed during pregnancy.